2D Design


Individual assignment:

⚡Model (raster, vector, 2D, 3D, render, animate, simulate, ...) a possible final project, compress your images and videos, and post it on your class page



Inkscape An Open source software that you have to download to use. Personally, Its like a Corel but with other capacities, but.....I dont like it, it's not my thing, I'm an Adobe-lieber (aka Photoshop,Ilustrator,Indesign)

The strengths of Inkscape is its ability to handle multiple file formats, including SVG, PDF, and EPS, making it a versatile tool for designers.

In this case I've search an vector image in google to try the vectorization process

  • Place the image inside the workplace
  • Choose a tool from the side toolbar, I choose Bezier for the vectorization process
  • Also inside the main tool bar (top) there is an option tu substract or join a shape



Pixlr When I thought in raster immediately, I would choose Photoshop but no, since I challenging myself with "New things" I used Pixlr

This online tool works a bit as Photoshop but it's easier than him, it's really intuited and his interface is simple and easy to understand..

  • You have to have a JPG or an png FILE to start
  • Then you can choose any efect to change the image, to deform or to polish
  • At the end, may export the work as JPG,PNG,WebP,PXZ,PDF, PXZ


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